Looking to Immigrate to Canada?
Are you looking for a Permanent Residency in Canada?
Designated business incubators
We help you find an accredited Canadian business incubator that would sponsor your idea and help you with mentorship. We will work with the incubator and you to prepare you for arrival. To Qualify for this program, you must be accepted into one of the incubators.
Designated angel investor groups
We will help you to prepare your idea to be funded by a Canadian Angel Investor group that understands and compliments your business idea. To qualify for this program, you must get one or more investors connected to these groups to agree to invest a minimum of $75,000
Designated Venture Capital Funds
We will help you present your business to an accredited and designated Venture Capital Fund that would be able to sponsor and invest into your business idea. To qualify, you must get one or more of these groups to agree to invest a minimum of $200,000
Our Strengths
Our guidance will help you set up a relationship with a Designated Organisation (Incubator, Angel group or a Venture Capitalist group). Designated organizations are business groups that have been approved by Canadian Government to invest in or support possible start-ups
Canadian Government Approved Organizations choose which business proposals to review. If one decides to review yours, it will assess the potential of your proposal and whether or not it will succeed. Each organization has its own intake process for proposals and criteria used to assess them. Our job is to help you present the proposal in the way that the designated organisations like to receive them for the maximum chances of acceptance.
If an organization chooses to support your business idea, it will give you a Letter of Support.
To apply for the Start-up Visa Program, your business idea or venture must get the support of one of the designated organizations, please contact us.
We guide you to
set up a winning relationship -
We help you
prepare your idea -
We help you present
your business to investors -
We work with the incubator
to prepare you for arrival